
And The Winners Are . . .

Thank you to everyone who attended my Studio Open House! It was a huge success and I loved visiting with everyone. The images will be posted May 16th on my Online Proofing site. Door prizes will be sent to the address listed on the entry form.

Here are the prize winners:

$125 Photo Creations gift card: Sunni Henn
$125 Photo Creations gift card: Kathy Krahn
$100 SIK Tattoo gift card & tee-shirt: Meredith Burrell
$100 SIK Tattoo gift card & tee-shirt: Angela Bergerson
Giusseppe's Gift Certificate: Breann Kephart
Giusseppe's Gift Certificate: Deb Burrell
Scrapbook Set: Nancy Launderville
Black 4x6 Album: Beth Peltier
Journal NoteBook: Vicki Albu


Anonymous said...

Way Cool! Thank you so much! I'll get Brody in. It was so great to see you in your business element. Congratulations on your success and on growing up so wonderful! You are amazing! (p.s. Mia is so cute!) Kathy K.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! I needed dakotas name tattooed. I'm super excited. Thanks!!!!