
Hunger Initiative | Help Feed the World Charity

In order to help fight the world hunger crisis I will be helping to package food to be shipped to Dondo, Mozambique this month. I will be volunteering at my church - Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie MN, but there are other locations within the Twin Cities that you can volunteer at or donate to. If you're interested, please visit http://thehungerinitiative.org/default/index.cfm/give/ to find out more.

Oftentimes we don't think about going hungry because we always have food available to us. Next time you hear your tummy growling, think about those that are without food all around the world and to get a sense of what it feels like to be hungry, don't eat. Here are more things you can do to make a difference . . .

•Skip a meal a week this month

•Limit eating out this month

•Buy one less coffee at Caribou or Starbucks each week

•Pack a lunch for work or school

•Carpool with a coworker

•Skip a meal or fast for a day

•Cut out chips, snacks, and treats for the month

•Order water instead of another beverage

•Rent a movie instead of watching one at a theater

•Play a game as a family instead of going out

•Cut out iTunes downloads

•Walk whenever possible

•Drink tap water instead of bottled water

•Buy generic - clothes, food, merchandise, etc.

•Shop less

•Go through your closets and donate your clothing (and don't buy more)

•Go through your cupboards and plan to consume all products that will expire soon so that they don't go to waste

•Pay with cash instead of credit

•Bring your own water bottle

•Where allowed, bring your own snacks to the movie theater

•Go without dessert

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